Russian Billionaire and Founder of popular social app, Telegram said the best of mini apps are still yet to hit the Telegram Ecosystem. Making an announcement via his official Telegram handle, Durov singled out Hamster Kombat, a Web 3 mini app that is about to mint its token on Telegram’s native Blockchain, The Open Network (TON)
The Russian Tech Expert said: “Hamster Kombat has become the latest Internet phenomenon everyone’s talking about. 239 million people have signed up for this Telegram mini app in just 3 months.”
“It took Hamster only 73 days to reach 100 million monthly users. Each day, 4-5 million new users join Hamster Kombat, making it the fastest-growing digital service in the world.”
“As I said a few months back, a new wave of mini apps on Telegram is coming, and Hamster Kombat is now leading the pack. Its amazing growth shows the viral potential of the Telegra mini app platform.” “Soon, Hamster’s team will mint its token on TON, introducing the benefits of blockchain to hundreds of millions of people. A new era is arriving, and we are witnessing its arrival in real time.”
We Have More Than 900 Million Users But Millions Will Still Troop In Soon For The Best Is Still Yet To Come, Says Founder & CEO Of Telegram, Durov As He Officially Endorses Hamster Kombat